Μονάδα Υποστήριξης Φοιτητών

Darlas Electronic Applications SA

Κλάδος Επιχείρησης: Ηλεκτρονικά Πλοίων

Σύντομη Περιγραφή: DARLAS Electronic Applications SA, for 40+ years (from the early 1980s till 2012) served as an Exclusive Sales and Service Agents for SERES – France and from 2005 till 2007 for SEIL– SERES Korea, representing their Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment, e.g.: ODME Ballast Monitors. Since 2012, Darlas SA, acts as the Official Factory Representatives for Brannstrom – Sweden AB, a market leader in ODMEs and 15 PPM Bilge Alarm Oil Content Monitors. Besides the Marine Industry, Darlas is also specialized in the Electronics Industrial Market by offering technical solutions to our customers for keeping their electronic workshops fully functional, efficient, and reliable, supplying them with Test Instruments and Electronics or Electrical or Mechanical or Pneumatic components for all the needs of their workshops.

Διεύθυνση: Κίμωνος

Αριθμός: 5

Ταχ. Κώδικας: 12244

Πόλη: Egaleo - Athens

Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας: 2105986179

Email: cv@darlas.gr

URL: http://www.odme.eu.com,%20www.odme.de,%20www.odme.fr,%20www.odme.gr,%20www.vitracer.com,%20www.darlas.gr

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